[ใหม่] Unreal Anthology Game Shooter [Pc ]

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  • Unreal Anthology Game Shooter [Pc ] รูปที่ 1
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Details of Unreal Anthology

Brand : Midway

Genre : Shooter Action Games

Age Rating : Mature

ReleaseDate : 2006-10-31

Hardware Platform : Pc

Platform : Windows XP

Details Of Unreal Anthology
The Most Unreal Anthology on the PlanetProduct InformationUnreal's array of fierce new fully polygonal enemies stalking your every move it'll be a struggle just to survive. You will race across vast outdoor and indoor environments enter enchanting cities mysterious temples glittering mines shattered ships and crystal clear waters. The game that will alter your reality...forever. Heart stopping first-person action at its best. Take the "Game of the Year" award-winning Unreal Tournament. Welcome to the gladiator bloodsport of the future! There are more than 60 new adrenaline pumping maps all rendered in stunning realistic 3D detail!  You are John Dalton an ex-Marine assigned topatrol the edge of human space as a Marshal for the Terran Colonia Authority inUnreal II The Awakening. Unexpectedly your monotonous life is shattered by a chilling distress signal plunging you into an adventure beyond belief. Unreal Tournament 2004 combines the kill-or-be-killed experience of gladiatorial combat with cutting-edge technology. Features 10 game modes both team-based and "every man for himself." Players will take their fates into their hands battling against up to 32 other players online in action-packed frag-filled arenas. Product Title Included Unreal Unreal Tournament - Game of the Year Unreal 2 - The Awakening Unreal Tournament 2004Product OverviewUnreal You awaken in a small enclosed room with metal walls. You have no recollectionof where you are. Perhaps a prison cell? An angled metal door lies ahead. Witheffort you push the creaky slab open.  This is not at all what you expected. The "prison" you just exited isnow revealed to be a small badly damaged spacecraft. Walking along a trail inforeign terrain gun in hand you journey onward to find out where you are andwhat your purpose is here.Observing your surroundings beyond the carnage reveals a beautiful andserene yet somehow spooky landscape. Two moons are in the sky. Ru
  1. Unreal Anthology contains the original Unreal with the Return to Na Pali expansion pack , Unreal Tournament GOTY edition, Unreal II, and UT2004 Editors Choice.
  2. From the ruthless artificial intelligence of the original UNREAL, the death gladiator chaos of UNREAL TOURNAMENT and beyond, the Unreal franchise is the king-of-the-hill in multiplayer carnage.
  3. Using the most advanced 3D engines ever created, mind bending worlds of mayhem and destruction await.
  4. Defining the first person shooter genre for the last decade, UNREAL has set the standard for the worlds ultimate multi-player experience.
  5. The entire smorgasbord of frag-dealing weaponry from Unreal Tournament returns for the experienced player to wield masterfully against new contestants.
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