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23,000 ฿

  • ขายหูฟัง รูปที่ 1

ขายหูฟัง Beyerdynamic T1

หูฟังระดับไฮเอนด์รุ่นล่าสุดจาก Beyerdynamic ความต้านทาน 600 Ohms

ของใหม่ สภาพ 100 %


I was quite surprised to see a pair of T1s on display at a big audio store in Osaka a few days ago. So surprised, in fact, that I rubbed my eyes and did a ‘double take.’ At which point they were gone. I was then truly shocked to look down and notice my wallet empty and a strange weighty shopping bag clutched greedily in my hands. So much for that new SACD player I was shopping for...

So, I have had the T1s for a few days with about 15 hours of head time and a total of 50 hours burn-in. My rig is in my sig and I am using them with my Leben mostly.

To my ears, on this rig, in this early stage, etc. etc. etc. …

They have very nice build quality, everything seems quite sturdy and built to last. They look nice and are not flashy in any way- very industrial looking. The case is excellent, better than any others I have seen. I would not object to a handle though. They clamp a bit more than I would like. Not excessive or a deal-breaker, but it could be a bit less. Not as much as the HD650s though.

From a technical performance standpoint, I would put the T1s on the same level as the HD800s and PS1000s. These sound very refined and high-end. To me their most noticeable strengths are their imaging, balanced and natural sounding frequency response, and buttery-smooth presentation coupled with a touch of lushness. They have excellent soundstaging, clarity, and detail retrieval; however, I think the HD800s and PS1000s both exceed the T1s in these areas. The bass seems just slightly bumped up but it does not at all sound out of place to me and actually, I would prefer a bit more emphasis (but I usually do). Quantity wise it sits between that of the HD800s and HD650s. Definitely less than the D7000s. The bass is of very good quality, goes deep, hits hard, does not seem damped or too little, but there is nothing unique, new, or ‘special’ about it to me. I would not put these on a list of bass-enthusiast cans, but they likely will be agreeable to most in terms of this issue. The highs seem fairly extended and not at all aggressive. Sibilance is present when it is there on the recording but does not seem highlighted or exaggerated. No harshness whatsoever.

I would put them in the ‘musical’ camp as opposed to the analytical, although I think they strike a reasonable balance. They have a nice lush rich sound and are engaging and very easy to listen to without fatigue. I can hear a resemblance to the HP1000s, and while the T1s are not a rebirth, I can see those who are fans of the HP1000s finding a lot to like in these. I am one who finds the HD800s to be a little ‘dead’ but the T1s do not share that same characteristic. I think they will be appealing those who like the HD650s but could not quite connect with the new Senns. They also seem incredibly forgiving with bad recordings, similar to the JH13Pros in that respect.

These seem to do well with every genre I have tried but I am not sure that I could pick one as their forte, perhaps rock if pressed. I have had some very good moments with the Beatles, Yellow Submarine; Beck, the Information; Michael Jackson, Off the Wall; Frank Zappa, Joe’s Garage; Macy Gray, The Trouble with Being Myself, & Talking Heads, Remain in Light. I do not listen to classical or jazz too often but cycled through a few favorite tracks and found them all sounding quite nice. Basically, they seem very much like solid all-rounders.

My complaints? I wish the bass were a bit more prominent but that is really a preference and I usually like more than most. The clamping pressure is a bit strong for me at the moment. I actually find them a bit too smooth and non-fatiguing. I prefer a slightly aggressive sound- I generally like Grados, and the D7000s just hit a perfect balance between aggressive and smooth for my tastes. I find the HD650s and to some degree the HD800s as too smooth. I know a lot of people really love that kind of easy sound signature and these could be fantasy-phones for those. Also, I feel that I need to keep them at a little higher volume than I would like in order to get the best sound from them. I usually use open headphones when I need to hear things like phones, door knocks, and crying kids. These are not so practical in that sense as I have to play them at a moderate volume.

I do find the T1s general sound signature more agreeable than that of the HD800s, but right now, I am completely beguiled by the soundstage and imaging of the HD800s. The HD800s offer a significant step up in this area and I would probably choose the HD800s if I could only have one. The PS1000s are slightly more aggressive (which is to my liking) and great at lower volumes and again would be my choice of the two. However, I really have to pick and choose music to match well with HD800s and PS1000s while the T1s are much more versatile. While the D7000s do not offer the same level of refinement as the T1s, I do not think they are that far behind and I prefer the overall signature of the Denons more than the T1s. I enjoy a more prominent bass and adore that part of the D7000s. I love their ambiance and have yet to hear a single track that I did not completely enjoy through them. At the moment, my dream phones have the D7000s sound coupled with the imaging, detail, and soundstage of the HD800s.

In sum, the T1s are fantastic and truly high end headphones. Like the other biggies, they offer superb technical prowess coupled with a unique but subtle flavoring. That flavoring may or not be to your liking but most likely will need to be heard first-hand to be truly understood. For me personally, there is a lot that I find agreeable, but in the end, I have a feeling they may just not be my cup of tea.